Tag Archives: fathers

Baby Mama Drama

Single Moms out there…..I’m talking to you….

How many of you have non-existent baby-daddys that don’t call, don’t visit, don’t do their part as a parent? ……My guess, is probably a whole lot.

What would you give to have your kids’ father be a part of their life?  Help to raise them….try to be the best dad they can be? …….My guess…..99.99% of you would give a lot…..I know I would.

So, what is a good reason that a mother of 4, with 2 baby-daddys that are fully involved, rotating on a 50/50 custody agreement, one of whom you’re not yet divorced from, would choose to say that her “new man” is going to be the new, better role model for her children????

WHAT PLANET ARE YOU LIVING ON?????  NEW MAN??? You mean, flavor of the week?

Each of these fathers are great Dads. I know because I’m married to one of them; and the other I have seen enough from his interaction with his kids and my step-kids, despite his choice in a hopefully-soon-to-be ex-wife, he would do anything for those kids.

But what makes any sane person want to completely disregard the other parent?  Act like they should not even exist?  Consider the other home JAIL…..to the kids’ faces????  Oh, that’s right, I know why…..because we have RULES.  And when they are BROKEN, there are CONSEQUENCES.  So, instead of being the kids’ best friend, their father is their PARENT.  And of course, because she’s not sane…..she’s very INsane.

Hard concept for some, I guess.  SO FREAKING FRUSTRATING for me!!!!!

I just don’t get it.  And it makes me angry (I’m sure you hadn’t noticed).  I don’t consider myself a perfect mother.  My husband doesn’t consider himself the perfect father.  But we try.  We try to give all our kids the best chance at life possible.  Do we make mistakes? Sure….who doesn’t?  Do our kids always like us?  Negative…..what kid likes doing homework instead of watching TV, playing outside, playing on their phone, going to bed at a decent hour?  None that I know of, but that is what makes a parent different than someone who just wants you to do what you want.

That doesn’t and won’t get you anywhere in life.  Life takes work.  Work takes all different forms.

So, please, if you are a single parent and you have your other ex-half involved, or wanting to be involved, don’t deny them.  Let them do their part as a parent and support it.  We all know the two of you probably hate each other, but you brought kids into the world that deserve to have both of your love and support.

My “Not Perfect But Trying My Best” Family-definitely looks like jail, right?

And if you’re not a single parent but know someone like this……knock some sanity into their thick head, please….their kids and the other half of their parenthood will thank you……I thank you.

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